
Were you born in the Year of the Pig?

2019 is the ‘Year of the Earth Pig’ according to Chinese zodiac. It started February 5th 2019 and lasts until January 24th 2020. Pig is the twelfth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Pig include 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019. The next Year of the Pig will not be until Jan 23rd 2031 to February 10th 2032. Read more about zodiac signs

Chinese zodiac Pig

Most people born in this sign possess a genial and accommodating personality with chivalrous and gallant manners. They have a calm appearance and a strong heart and often hold unique attitudes and standpoints among their peers. They are quick tempered but hate arguments and quarrelling. They are kind to their loved ones. They are not afraid of difficulties and problems but when faced with them, they try to work them out gradually. They treat friends sincerely and do not tell lies unless they have to. They are light hearted and usually fall asleep easily.

Yin Earth Predictions 2019

As we have a Yin Earth year in 2019, we can expect mixed energies although there should be good news on the horizon with world events and hopefully a more calming influence in Middle Eastern countries with huge leaps forward in relationships worldwide.
Finances can cause problems worldwide in 2019 and with a dominant earth energy with a yin polarity, we can expect issues with global finances and stock markets and very special Feng Shui earth cures and enhancers are much needed in 2019 to not only avoid a financial loss but to also generate new income.
Lucky Signs for People Born in Pig Year
Numbers: 2, 5, 8
Colours: yellow, grey, brown, gold
Flowers: hydrangea, pitcher plant, marguerite
Directions: southeast, northeast
Personality and Characteristics: Jovial, flexible, gentle, optimistic
Strengths: Good-tempered, kind-hearted, positive, loyal, gentle.
Weaknesses: Naive, gullible, sluggish, short-tempered

Best Jobs for Earth Pigs

Cleanliness, purity and integrity are their shining personality traits, making them suitable for jobs related to education and public affairs. They also have strong curiosity about new knowledge so will usually choose some achievements in science and art fields. In addition, they usually pursue simple and slow-paced life, so jobs with low pressure are suitable for them. Suitable Jobs: teacher, artist, salesman, or scientist.


Nice income, lack of manage plan, money shortage. Generally speaking, people born in the Year of the Pig have better fortune than others. They tend to always find golden chances to create abundant wealth, earning lots of money in their early and middle ages. However, they are not good at managing finances, squandering easily. Most of them don’ t know how to save money or use the idle capital to invest. Their budgets are always in crisis. Thus, they are advised to manage their wealth carefully as it will become very useful for their old age.

Love and Relationships

A person with ‘Pig’ personality is usually considerate, romantic, passionatean and an ideal life partner. When they are attracted by someone, they will behave crazily enthusiastic. Lots of surprises and gifts always capture others’ hearts easily. They are good at observing lovers’ emotional ups and downs and can be the best listener to hear out their complaints. Most of them will have enough patience to encourage their soul mates to snap out of their grievances. In addition, they are good assistants in giving useful suggestions to their lovers’ career. They won’ t force others to do things they don’ t like. Tolerance and understanding are their shinning points in love relationship.


Although a harmonious interpersonal relationship can provide much help, it also leads to frequent social activities. Excessive drinking and unbalanced diet may cause gastrointestinal and respiratory disease, semi-health, intractable disease and low immunity. Most of them pay less attention on building a strong body. High blood pressure and hyperlipemia are common phenomenon in the middle and old ages. They are advised to do some physical exercises such as mountain climbing, swimming and running. Improving the immune system is also essential.

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